Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Dork Diaries

aku baca buku ini, judulnya Dork Diaries, semacam Diary of a Wimpy Kid tapi buat cewek. hmm ada beberapa hal yang menurutku mirip sama aku. disini aku mau tulis beberapa:

Saturday, August 31
Sometimes I wonder if my mom is BRAIN DEAD. Then there are days when I know she is.
Like today.
The drama started this morning when I casually asked if she would buy me one of those cool new phones that do almost everyting. I considered it a necessity of life, second only to maybe oxygen.
My mom had given me two things: a DIARY and irrefutable evidence she Is, in fact,
and blablabla........

Tuesday, September 10
I had the most horrible accident in English Class today. While I was taking my English textbook out of my backpack my perfumed body spray, called Bath and Body Works, fell on the floor.
Unfortunately, the little white nozzle thingy popped of and it just kept spraying and spraying until the entire can was empty
My teacher, started yelling a lot of stuff in English that sounded to me an awful lot like swear words.
and blablabla......

Thursday, September 12
During the gym class even the Scared-of-Balls girls were gossiping.
They're the really prissy girls who hang in small groups and scream hysterically whenever a ball comes near them.
It could be a basketball, football, baseball, soccer ball, , tennis ball, volleyball, beach ball, Ping-Pong ball, mothball or even a meatball. They're NOT very picky
and blablabla......

yaaa segitu deh yg aku tulis, tapi sebetulnya masih banyak banget, dan mungkin itu mirip sama kehidupan kita.


0 talking mouth: