Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

a g-ooood fffffffff-riend

1. They're always there when you needed them, even if that's not important, it doesn't matter.

2. They stayed up all night just to hear your sad story, just to keep you accompany

3. They doesn't care about their feelings, they just care about yours

4. They'll never stab you in your back, cause they know that it'll hurt you

5. Every tears you dropped, they'll always there to weep it, cause it'll make your stresses disappear a bit.

6. They'll never ditch you for other friend

7. They warned you if you do something wrong

8. They'll help you on solving ur problem

9. They'll laugh on ur jokes, when everyone says it's not funny

10. You feel free when ur telling 'em ur secrets, cause you know that they won't spread it

11. They're always on ur side, even when the whole world are not on ur side

12. They wanted you to be urself, even when the whole world wishes you were somebody else

13. They'll not steal ur bf/gf cause they know that you love him/her

14. They'll be smiling in front of you when they're having their own problems, cause they know that it makes you sad

And last.....

0 talking mouth: